Archive for November, 2014

Kickstarting and Provisioning Ubuntu systems with Spacewalk

In the comments of my last article someone asked about provisioning Ubuntu clients with Spacewalk. As I never tried this it got me curious.So I played around with it. It was a bit tricky but in the end I got it working pretty well.

First of all you need a Ubuntu repository and channel in your Spacewalk like describes in this article.

Now for some prerequisites

yum install cobbler-loaders
# SELinux should be disabled in general for Spacewalk to avoid several problems
setenforce 0

Read more

Finding obsolete and unused Roles in Chef

If your Chef environment has grown and its time for a cleanup, here is an easy way to find unused and obsolete Roles.
This works as long as the roles/*.rb files are named exactly like the roles.

# in roles/ directory do
for f in *.rb; do echo $f; done | cut -d'.' -f1 | tr '\n' '\0'|xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' sh -c "echo '$:';knife search node 'role:$'|grep Node" > result.txt
# then
for f in *.rb; do echo $f; done | cut -d'.' -f1 | tr '\n' '\0'|xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' sh -c "echo '$:';knife search node 'roles:$'|grep Node" > result2.txt

This will output role name and the hosts using it. Roles not having nodes in both result files are unused and can be removed.

Sample output

Node Name:   auth-app2.prod1.example.lan
Node Name:   auth-app3.prod1.example.lan
Node Name:   auth-app1.prod2.example.lan
Node Name:   ch-esearch3.prod1.example.lan
Node Name:   ch-esearch2.prod2.example.lan

Reason why you need to run it twice is first command searches for nodes having exactly that role and second one searching in expanded run lists.