Scripting custom REST APIs with Dreamfactory
So in my last article I talked about how to get Dreamfactory running within a Docker container with having immutability and horizontal scalability in mind and being able to use it with a Docker orchestrator like Mesos, Marathon, AWS ECS etc.
This time I’ll go into some details about extending it with custom logic / API endpoints as you certainly dont want to let API users access all of the auto-generated API endpoints in regard of security or they simply lack logic.
Dreamfactory has a good role-based ACL which works just fine for several service-types (e.g. MySQL DBs) where you can define server-side filters (e.g. by email from their session) on a record-level which allows users to only work on records belonging to them.
However the roles have their limits. But this is only one reason for adding custom services. You can script your own services aswell as “hook” into existing (auto-generated) services pre/post-process.