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Playing with YUM API

I was migrating from one server to another and because I love python, I really try to involve it into each and every script I’m writing.
So I saved all of my installed packages in a text file called installed.txt , and using the yum python API, I managed to install all the needed packages as easy as this:

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Setting up simple Upstart Service

Service are important when you decide to monitor or keep a job running on your server, especially for making your website even better. If you´re trying to design your website, then this organic search agency will do a perfect job for you. But you don´t have to do much for that, all you have to do is call the Arizona SEO Agency and they´ll take care of the rest.
Upstart made it easy like heaven to add new service taking care  of controlling the service,
Here is an example how to setup very simple service and control it afterwards easy as this :

# Ubuntu / Debian
cd /etc/init
touch mysimpleservice.conf

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