In the previous short article series I’ve shown you how to install Koji and all its components like Kojid, Kojira, Koji-Hub. However to fully use it we need to do some initial configuration that can only be persisted for a fresh install by a early DB Backup, I’ll remind you of that later.
To understand what we are doing here you need to know a bit more about Kojis philosophy:
Koji uses Tags to identify and mark various stages in the RPM building workflow. Some tags are logically linked together to the same flow, like building for a certain target distribution, e.g. CentOS6. We will call this target tag dist-centos6. But you can maintain multiple distribution-builds on the same Koji instance, just add more tags then according to this article.
We also need a tag that is used for builds and inherits the build target. We call this tag dist-centos6-build
Koji is building RPMs in a chroot with the mock tool. It also installs basic packages to those buildroots from the virtual yum package groups named build and srpm-build. So we need to tell Koji which packages we need. You can extend that list to your needs but choose wise: These packages are pulled in for every build then.
Also, Koji needs to know where to find/pull packages from, therefore we add external repositories, the base repo as the very first !!
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