Koji RPM Build System Installation Part 3

If you followed my previous articles you should by now have a rudimentary Koji system running.

Lets now proceed and add more components.


As the name suggests, Koji-Web is a webinterface to Koji. It lets you view all your builds, packages, rpms, tasks and other useful info. However you cannot control everything about Koji with it. Its nonetheless good to have. So lets go:

yum install koji-web mod_ssl

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Koji RPM Build System Installation Part 2

So in Part1 we started with setting up the SSL certificates. Now we are going deeper

Database Setup

Start with installing postgresql and setting up Koji users and schema.

yum install postgresql-server koji
service postgresql initdb
service postgresql start
useradd koji;passwd -d koji
su postgres;createuser koji;createdb -O koji koji
su koji; psql koji koji < /usr/share/doc/koji*/docs/schema.sql

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Koji RPM Build System Installation Part 1


So you decided to also take a shot at Koji, congrats. You won’t regret it.

At first, its helpful to understand the inner architecture of Koji for knowing when to look in which config files:

koji architecture

Koji architecture

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Installing a RPM-based build system

When your Linux IT infrastructure has grown to a mature complex state and you heavily use continuous integration and automation, its time to think about how to deploy code efficiently.

You may already have Jenkins to build your own code and maybe even package it and installing with Puppet. But there is enough open-source software that you need to ./configure and compile yourself. Even if you then rpmbuild it yourself, its still not satisfying to install those RPM manually, especially if you already maintain your own repositories with Spacewalk.

A good solution is to build and package all your code into RPMs and import them into your very own repository which is available to all your system.
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